Hello guys,
I have Installed drupal for some time, though still newbie. I ca configure blocks menu etc. One thing I have failed; to hack the theme to make site look the way I want to look. I have a site already in my local server (WAMP), but I need CMS due to many stuffs that I plan to put in the site

So Question is : What file do I edit? Does it need me to be PHP Expert to do it? Honestly I'm very young (Infact a babe) in PHP language. I really need your help to get It right!

Another Question: What is technical difference between DRUPAL and MOODLE? I know they differ in application but don't know about programmatcal difference!


Hello guys,
I have Installed drupal for some time, though still newbie. I ca configure blocks menu etc. One thing I have failed; to hack the theme to make site look the way I want to look. I have a site already in my local server (WAMP), but I need CMS due to many stuffs that I plan to put in the site

So Question is : What file do I edit? Does it need me to be PHP Expert to do it? Honestly I'm very young (Infact a babe) in PHP language. I really need your help to get It right!

Another Question: What is technical difference between DRUPAL and MOODLE? I know they differ in application but don't know about programmatcal difference!


There will be a directory called "themes" under the root of your drupal site. It contains folders for each theme/template.
The main template is in the PHP file, page.tpl.php
You will probably want to edit the CSS, and it will be style.css.

If you want to change the structure of the HTML on the page, then you will need to edit page.tpl.php.
If you just want to change the look, then the CSS file is all you need to edit.

Editing the PHP files don't require advanced PHP, but they do require a basic knowledge of PHP.

I'm not familiar with moodle, and not that much with drupal either, so I don't know how they differ technically.

Thanks alot digital-ether,
I will go and do it, but anyone who wants to add, it is welcomed!


I have made a progress but I have stacked on how to add flash video. I use Litejazz theme. I want to put flsh video but I dont know which argument to pass to scr="***" in Flash code (ie to locate flash file on server), can anyone tell me how to do it? I have tried but i end with heading/ label/ title but no flash video!!

Thanks alot

I have made a progress but I have stacked on how to add flash video. I use Litejazz theme. I want to put flsh video but I dont know which argument to pass to scr="***" in Flash code (ie to locate flash file on server), can anyone tell me how to do it? I have tried but i end with heading/ label/ title but no flash video!!

Thanks alot

Hi, Can you post the code you're using?

I don't know what variable drupal uses for the url of the site. You'd want to use that. You could however hardcode your website url and path to the file.


I have googled and found the video module but again hit a wall somewhere at enabling the module:

FlashVideo Amazon S3 Plugin 6.x-1.4-beta Adds Amazon S3 support
Depends on: FlashVideo (enabled), Upload (enabled)

FlashVideo CCK 6.x-1.4-beta Provides a plugin to allow CCK parameters to overide FlashVideo functionality.
Depends on: Content (missing),

FlashVideo (enabled), Upload (enabled)
FlashVideo Views 6.x-1.4-beta Provides a plugin to allow Views functionality to the FlashVideo Module
Depends on: Views (missing), FlashVideo (enabled), Upload (enabled)

where do I get this modules. Im searching now at www.drupal.org

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