Hi All

I have a google code project running at the moment to develop a simple-standards web-based slides show system (code.google.com/p/easyslides)

At the moment there are several .css and .js files as well as images in one folder and a seperate HTML file. I want to be able to provide a single-file solution (maybe through a script) for users and therefore need to somehow combine all these css, javascript and images into the HTML file.

I have looked at around but mostly have found page-optimization solutions - although some of them are really useful its not quite what I am looking for.

Would be great if someone could provide any tips or possible scripts that would help me to solve this problem.

Your help will be very much appreciated.

Are you wanting a "single file solution" for download, or upload?

You could just zip them up so someone can download a "single file solution".

You can easly add the CSS/Javascript into the HTML file, but there is no way to save the images inside of the html file.

Are you wanting a "single file solution" for download, or upload?

You could just zip them up so someone can download a "single file solution".

You can easly add the CSS/Javascript into the HTML file, but there is no way to save the images inside of the html file.

I want a single-file solution for download - at the moment users need to zip all the files - so that all, at least, JS and CSS files are into a single HTML file.

How can I add CSS/JS into a single HTML file? I am quite new to all this

CSS goes in style tags and Javascript goes in script tags.

<style type="text/css">
//CSS goes here

<script type="text/javascript">
//Javascript goes here

The tags should go in between the HTML "head" tags.

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