hello every body

this is my second problem , please solve my problem

i am designing a site in which customer can input credit card no, card expiry date etc. you can say a complete ecommerce site.i only know about merchant id. therefore we must contact with banks etc provide merchant id.
problem is that i dont have idea about credit card form.what will be text box entries about product text box.credit card form source code.

this is second problem that when customer input all data in this form how i can extract information.

so can u provide step by step help

also ecommerce form example

tables in microsoft access database.

i will be very thank ful to u.

If you need to implement an ecommerce solution then the sample codes will be provided by the payment gateway provider. The sample scripts and instructions will give you enough information to build your application.

Ms Access is definately not the wise choice for credit card application! If this is your only choice, set password to your database. You also need to host it in secure server, if you collect the cc information yourself.

Like Lafinboy said, it is best to let payment gateway to handle all sensitive information. All you need to do is up to the checkout, and from there link it to payment gateway (3rd party like worldpay etc).

you can request the code from your merchant gateway service provider... and u can integrate that code with your shopping cart page ... these are ready codes ..

Nice post I like it.
Thanks many for sharing Great information about ecommerce credit card.

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