the web page is:

I am trying to make the web page look like mozilla does. In explorer it looks crazy. Please help or offer some advice.


web virgin

the web page is:

I am trying to make the web page look like mozilla does. In explorer it looks crazy. Please help or offer some advice.


web virgin

I guess no one wants to help or no one knows the answer...


you have to click the links on the top to see the content out of frame. The ad banner is not visible in mozilla.... please help

I can't open up your website,
before I take a look into your site I can tell you that most likely you're website is not valid, or doesn't even have a doctype. Therefore it is being rendered in quirksmode and more things look different in other browsers.

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I am having problems with the server I think?? idk... but I would like to know how to make the ad banner visible in ff/mozilla. It is visible in explorer. Then I fix the content boxes in explorer and it messes up in ff. I fix the content boxes in ff and explorer messes up...

I am tired but I have to finish it... no choice

sorry, wrong code. here is the index:

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All those comment rules are a VERY bad idea. Removing them should solve your problem.

is the web site...I am having a time....I took the ads off and still get content out of the box for IE... mozilla is goodlooking.

can someone please help me??

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