Hi! First post :-) Relatively new to ASP.NET

I'm building a lottery syndicate in ASP.NET 3.5 C# and I'm trying to filter an XML file to obtain this weeks lotto numbers and assign them to labels.

Here is the XML: http://www.schok.co.uk/lottery/lottery.xml

how should I go about doing this? At the moment I have the <description> part but I'm really trying to obtain just the numbers. I have this <description> part in a DataList, which isn't very useful (how do assign the read data into variables in the .cs file)

thanks a lot :-)

there are useful xml manipulation methods under the namespace System.Xml and to search for values of xml nodes also include System.Xml.Xpath namespace. Or find an Xpath query tutorial searching google.

cheers I'll look into that.

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