How to include something that is a directory before the file


the file yt.php must include a file which is in:

what will it be like? include_once(../file.php) or?:'(

that's pretty much it. It's usually better to use absolute paths ie., /srv/www/public_html/includes/fetch.php but on shared hosting that might not be an option so ../file.php works just as well.

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that's pretty much it. It's usually better to use absolute paths ie., /srv/www/public_html/includes/fetch.php but on shared hosting that might not be an option so ../file.php works just as well.

I have to agree. However, if for some reason the site has to be moved, the use of $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] instead of the /srv/www/public_html may be better. I usually put this into a constant called ROOT: include_once(ROOT . '/includes/fetch.php'); .

Mind you, placing a variable into a constant may be a bit suspect.

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