how to alert a session variable in javascript function

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('".$_SESSION['user']."');</script>";

Like this ?

<script language="javascript">
       function addmanips(){ 
         var nW = window.open('add_qualifica.php?seeker_id=<? echo $_SESSION["seekerid"]?>&action=new','AddQualification','width=640,height=480,menubar=no,status=no,location=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no'); 

its not working.....

<script type="text/javascript">
      function addmanips(){ 
         var nW = window.open('add_qualifica.php?seeker_id=<? echo $_SESSION["seekerid"]; ?>&action=new','AddQualification','width=640,height=480,menubar=no,status=no,location=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no'); 
	<body onload='addmanips();'>

this works for me!

In the ops last post, they neglected a semicolon <? echo $_SESSION["seekerid"]?> should have been <? echo $_SESSION['seekerid']; ?> as illustrated in your response.

However as a word of advice, php short tags should be avoided as there is no guarantee that they are enabled if you were to move your code to a new server.

Also if you are going to use short tags <?=$_SESSION['seekerid']?> is a cleaner approach. but ONLY works with short tags.

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