Hi im really new to jsp.
any body can help me in creating a thread of my own.
i have creadted the Db(Mysql) and data is inserting in to db.
i dont know how to display the threads according to the user login can any body help me out????

I'm sorry but I think you will need to explain this first, at least for this does not make any sense

i dont know how to display the threads according to the user login can any body help me out????

The tomcat container (or whichever container you are using) itself creates and manages threads concerning your JSP page when it gets requests to serve your JSP.
What I think you are looking for is how to track sessions in JSPs. Here is a basic example.

I'm sorry but I think you will need to explain this first, at least for this does not make any sense

Hi Peter Thanks for ur interest.
what i exatly need is what im doing with this forum.
I want to create a forum like this.
if some body add a new thread, it should be moniter by moderator(admin) if moderator say ok then only it should be visible to other users. if one posted some thread, then the other user should have the permission to reply for the thread(like what im doing now in daniweb)

Are you designing your own forum ?
Although I do not know whether it may be relevant to this thread, but then maybe you can check out some open source third party forum software available, for ex:- JForum (A Free and Open Source Java based forum engine).

Studying open source examples is always good idea...
There are others you can get from sourceforge.net, it does really depends on you how much time you want to spend on research and getting your requirements.

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