
I am using redirect on my index.php to redirect to a directory in server. I havent used any html tags etc just <?php redirect ?>
i want to use html meta data and tags as well.

as i am a newbie i need your help on this. because google cannot crawl and create the sitemap. help please


thanks for the reply. basically i have a php file but when i include html tags the redirect doesnt work. what should i do to make it work .

should i create .html file and have html tags then redirect using php or this php file is fine.......

You can either echo the HTML tags echo "<some_tag>html</some_tag>"; If you do this the remember to escape your quotes with \s

Or another way:

// Some PHP code
some HTML code
// Some more PHP code

when i include html tags the redirect doesnt work

Very true. You can't send header information (thats where you're redirecting) after outputting anything. All you could do is put your meta tags after the redirection code. That would be useless though, because your program will never get to this point.

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