Hai, In parent window, while submitting form, popup window is called. In child popup window, parent window is forced to go invisible through code. But sometimes it is not working.
Aim is to inactive all elements in parent form or invisible parent form while child window (popup) is opened. After closing popup, parent form should be in visible state.

Any help is appreciated

In parent Window: (userinfo.php)

<script type="text/javascript">

var popUpWin = null;
function popUpWindow(URLStr, ChildwinnameStr)
     if(!popUpWin.closed) {popUpWin.close();}

 popUpWin = window.open(URLStr,ChildwinnameStr, "status=1,width=400,height=200,left=350,top=200,titEvent_Idlebar=no,scrollbars=no,minimize=no,resizable=no,modal");
     if(window.Focus && !popUpWin.closed)


function validate_parent(form)
	if (Modtag==0) 
		popUpWindow('Adduserform.php', 'AdduserWin');
		return false;
          if (Modtag==1) 
		popUpWindow('Modifyuserform.php', 'ModuserWin');
		return false;


<form name=”frmparent”   onSubmit=" validate_parent (this);" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">

Pop up Window (Adduserform.php) : 

<script type=”text/javascript”>

function  post_value()
     window.opener.location.href=" userinfo.php ";  	

function setFocusTextbox()
	window.opener.document.forms[' frmparent '].disabled=true; //To inactivate Parent window
<body onload="setFocusTextbox()">
<form name="frmAdduser" onload="setFocusTextbox()" onSubmit="Validate_userdetails()" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="POST">

<tr><td align="center" class="textstyle" nowrap="nowrap"> Enter User Name</td>
<td class="textstyle">
<input type="text" name="UserName" maxlength=5 size=12  onKeyPress="return NumbersOnly(this,event)" > 

<br><div align="center"><input type="submit" name="AddBttn" value="Add">
<input type="button" name="CancelBttn" value="Cancel" onclick="post_value();"></div>

Yes.I want like that.
After selecting radio button in parent window, i want to disable parent window and to open child window in javascript only.

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