
I need to use mail function to send emails to the user provided e-mail address which he/she gave at the time of registration. Can any one please help me regarding this?


whats your server configuration? We can start there.

whats your server configuration? We can start there.

Thanks for your reply.

I dont know how to configure the mail server, as i have used the mail() function in the code and its giving warning to configure the mail server. I want to know exactly how it can be resolved?

not your mail server.

The computer you are running all of this on.

is it windows? Linux? mac?

example, if you are running windows, your problem is that you most likely dont have a mail server configured. So sendmail doesnt know what to do with the mail. If that's the case, for example, you need to install some extra software to get it running. Me personally, I run Stunnel. you can google it.

use mail fuction to send mails via php

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