ANY help is appreciated - I can't figure this stuff out and I'm not familiar with this end of things at all - not getting anywhere with the software developer on this one - I've been down for over a week!

This is now the error message on my site...

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"' in /homepages/15/d265658961/htdocs/easyjobportal/admin/setting.php on line 20

This is the area (?) that I think it's in (setting.php file) there are more files, but just copied the beginning... let me know if anything else is needed. thanks.

// load database settings ...
	// change these settings with your database settings ...
	$db_host				= "";
	$db_name				= "nameExample";
	$db_username			= "unameExample";
	$db_password			= "pwdExample";

	// load directory and url settings ...
	// change these settings with your root folder settings ...
	$dir_base				= $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ";
	$url_base				= "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']  ";

Looks to me like an extra " at the end of lines 12 and 13.

Thanks for coding edit on my post. :)
Well, I deleted the " on line 12 & 13 and same message.

Any other ideas?

Look for other unmatched double quotes :)
Those were the only two in the fragment you posted, but there may be others.

I did look and couldn't find any. I'm stumped.:confused:

Post the whole thing here so we can scan it over for you.

If it's the same error, the error message should include the exact line where the error is happening at. Try to look there ;)

this is new message I got now...

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /homepages/15/d265658961/htdocs/easyjobportal/admin/setting.php on line 21

// load directory and url settings ...
// change these settings with your root folder settings ...
12. $dir_base = $_SERVER;
13. $url_base = "http:// . $_SERVER ";

20. $default_state = 52; // Outside U.S (used in member registration)
21. $default_country = 252; // United States
22.$image_quality = 85; // the quality of JPEG pictures created by this system .. a number from 0 - 100

watch the quotes
try $url_base = "http://" . $_SERVER;

watch the quotes
try $url_base = "http://" . $_SERVER;

yeah, I've tried it that way before too, this is what I get when I do that...
(2 big boxes saying the following...)
This script is protected

error wrong unlock key

Please enter your unlock key to proceed:

and then this fatal error msg. underneath.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_level() in /homepages/15/d265658961/htdocs/easyjobportal/setting.php on line 40

can you please provide me with some code? you're not calling the function properly. Please post the three lines around the errorline(line 40) and the function with parameters

sorry, I don't get this at all. but here is everything after the

(line 40 is the one that says start_photo)

THANKS so much for checking & trying to help - I hope to get this fixed.

// some other mostly used settings ...
    $status_auto_approval	= "no";			// do you want to auto-approve all things? * (yes / no)
	$status_url_rewrite		= "no";			// setting to set On / Off for SEO URLs (yes / no)
	$status_img_captcha		= "no";			// setting to set On / Off for CAPTCHA image verification (yes / no)

	$zip_radius_enable		= "yes";		// setting to set On / Off for ZIP Radius search (yes / no)
	$zip_radius_unit		= "mile";		// setting to set the distance unit in mile or in km ... (1 mile = 1.609344 km)

	$default_state			= 52;			// Outside U.S (used in member registration)
	$default_country		= 252;			// United States
	$image_quality			= 85;			// the quality of JPEG pictures created by this system .. a number from 0 - 100

	$year_start				= 1940;			// used to limit the starting of year for this application
	$year_end				= 2010;			// used to limit the ending   of year for this application
	$year_candidate_age_min	= 17;			// used to tell the minimum age for jobseekers ...

    $jobseeker_line_max		= 250;			// used for importing jobseeker *
    $jobseeker_delay		= 2;			// used for importing jobseeker * 

    $zipcodes_line_max		= 1000;			// used for importing zipcodes *
    $zipcodes_delay			= 2;			// used for importing zipcodes * 

    $photo_refresh_max		= 8;			// used for re-freshing pictures (how many pictures per process) *
    $photo_refresh_delay	= 1;			// used for re-freshing pictures * 

	// set paypal payment product text ...
    $paypal_payment_text	= "Payment from [payment_website] (Payment ID : [payment_number])";

	// set 2co payment product text ...
    $p2co_payment_text		= "Payment from [payment_website] (Payment ID : [payment_number])";

	// ID and database numbering ....
    $start_employer			= 10000;				// all employer id will start from this number ..
    $start_jobseeker		= 20000;				// all jobseeker id will start from this number ..
    $start_document			= 30000;				// all document id will start from this number ..
	$start_photo			= 40000;				// all photo id will start from this number ..
	$start_job				= 50000;				// all job id will start from this number ..
	$start_payment			= 70000;				// all payment id will start from this number ..

	// Google MAPS settings ...
	$google_map_display		= "yes";					// set to no to disable google maps ... (yes to enable)
	$google_map_api_key		= "YOUR_KEY_HERE";
	$google_map_zoom_level	= 14;

yeah, I've tried it that way before too, this is what I get when I do that...
(2 big boxes saying the following...)
This script is protected

error wrong unlock key

Please enter your unlock key to proceed:

and then this fatal error msg. underneath.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_level() in /homepages/15/d265658961/htdocs/easyjobportal/setting.php on line 40

That's a step forward, at least.
Now, rather than getting a parse error, you get a real error.

This error, as it states, means the function you are calling doesn't exist. Where is the get_level() function defined?

Is it supposed to be included? Did you perhaps forget to add the include?

I don't know what the get level is unless it is for education. ?

I looked at my includes file folder and everything is in place (as it was in the beginning when I purchased this.)

At least you think I'm seeing improvement! I don't feel I'm getting anywhere, but tired. :yawn:

Yes, some improvement.
Parse errors are the lowest level errors you get. They simply mean your syntax is invalid.

Runtime errors, such as the "call to undefined function" error, at least indicate that your syntax is correct, but rather that the logic is invalid.

Somewhere is a function called get_level() , which your code appears to want to use.
Find that function and include it into the file.

And P.S.
If you purchased the code in this state... go get a refund :)

Now I get this error...

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /homepages/15/d265658961/htdocs/easyjobportal/admin/setting.php on line 21

Now I get this error...

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /homepages/15/d265658961/htdocs/easyjobportal/admin/setting.php on line 21

That's a parse error... a unmatched quote-mark, or a missing semi-colon... something along those lines.

If you get a editor that does syntax highlighting, it will be very obvious where the problem is.
Try Notepad++. Very small, yet very powerful. Should help with all those syntax errors.

well, I have everything posted as above. that line 21 or whatever is the default country.
I wonder what happened to the get level message too? wonder if it's fixed or will pop up again. I don't really know where or how to include it if I do find something related to that get level deal.
I run on Mac - so that program wouldn't work.

yeah, I'd LOVE my money back (they are not from US!), but I just want to get it up and running like it was. I'll never change my host again. This is a nightmare!!

I'm guessing that once you fix the parse error, the undefiend function error will return.

All of this happened because you changed hosts?
How did you start getting parse errors because of that?
Sure, I can see that causing errors due to configuration differences or different PHP versions, but those should not be parse errors.

Anyways, if your on a Mac, you can try Netbeans.
It's a bit heavier than Notepad++, but a very good IDE. (Make sure you get the PHP version, if you decide to try it.)

I can't post on here anymore - you need to know coding, etc. to do so and I'm just looking for help. The edited lines above are wrong. remember it starts at 14 from there on anyhow. Not like it matters. Thanks all for trying to help - will search elsewhere I guess. Or if you can direct message me (unless against the rules also) that would be helpful.

Thanks Atli.

Yeah, I don't have a clue why this all happened and is so difficult and the PHP is the same as well. So, who knows, I can't figure it out and I can't find anyone else to promptly help me try. (though you've been MOST helpful) THANK YOU!

Not sure what to do from here since I can't seem to post my wording right on here and don't want to get it any more trouble. :$

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