Hello! I am very new to ASP. I have written some simple ASP scripts and that I was able to view in my server (IIS), but since last 15 days i am not able to view the ASP pages. There is this error msg displayed when ever i run the scripts (" The page cannot be displayed") . I am using Windows 2000 Professional. Pls HELP ME.


1. Are you browsing on the server that IIS is installed ?

if yes is IIS running ? open the Internet Information Services console from administrative tools, check the site is not stopped.

If no diagnose your network, can the computer from where you are browsing see the server on the network (ping test or start>run \\<servername>)

IIS is pointing to a page that does not exist or as above IIS might have stopped or your files were deleted it could also be that the default page (index.asp, default.asp etc) has been renamed - check IIS's settings to find out which are the defaults then check the "home folder".

1. Are you browsing on the server that IIS is installed ?

if yes is IIS running ? open the Internet Information Services console from administrative tools, check the site is not stopped.

If no diagnose your network, can the computer from where you are browsing see the server on the network (ping test or start>run \\<servername>)

Hello! I tried reinstalling the IIS and also checked the IIS console from the Administrative Tools . When i click on the IIS console it gives this message "Cannot connect to computer "REENA". But i can ping my PC. Please what could be wrong?

Hello! I tried reinstalling the IIS and also checked the IIS console from the Administrative Tools . When i click on the IIS console it gives this message "Cannot connect to computer "REENA". But i can ping my PC. Please what could be wrong?[/and also it give a msg like this "No administerable services found"QUOTE]

it could be that there is a component of IIS not installed can you serve up ordinary HTML files? also are you tring to view the files localy or remotely (from the IIS machine or over a network)

Is your IP address dynamic? If it is dynamic then there is a posibility your IP is different from the one in your IIS server. This kind of problem happened to me quite often when my ISP changed my IP address.


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