Hey guys Im trying to make an auction website for school using html, ASP and a database in Acess.
I am trying to create buttins so my users can click on them to Bid on people.
I keep coming up with different errors and when I view the source code after running the page it's different than the code I entered in dreamweaver on my page.

<input value="Bid Now!" type="submit" onClick="msgbox('hello')">

This is the code for the button on one page.


<form runat="server">
<asp:Button id="b1" Text="Submit" runat="server" />


This is another test example which isn't being interpreted properly.
Can anyone please help?


Can you post errors u r receiving... and be clear n specific about your problem..

Hope we i can help you.

I keep coming up with different errors and when I view the source code after running the page it's different than the code I entered in dreamweaver on my page.

<input value="Bid Now!" type="submit" onClick="msgbox('hello')">

Of course you will get different control when you view the source code of the page because the Explorers(IE,FireFox...) does not know what is <asp:Button...> so the compiler (VS,Dreamwaver) change them to a control that the explorers will know them, in a case of a button its <input>, so you dont have a problem its working just fine.

Now what errors do you get?, be more specific and tell us exactly what you do and which error do you get.

ASP.NET Controls are classes in the .NET Framework that represent visual elements on a web form. During web-form processing phases - all server controls (asp.net controls) writes the HTML output for the control based on its current state.

ok the error for (<input value="Bid Now!" type="submit" onClick="msgbox('hello')">) button is:

Error: Object Expected

Sorry I cant give you the proper one for the other buttons as my teacher played around with my pages and kinda killed them. I'll post as soon as I get them up and running again :(

Post your code please.

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