Hi every body..!
I'm new to the php, but i know a little like some syntax and all...
but i don't know how to start with php..
i need your help in
1. How to start in php
2. What are the softwares require and how to instal and configure them
3. How to learn more

--------Thank you all in advance--------------

Hi every body..!
I'm new to the php, but i know a little like some syntax and all...
but i don't know how to start with php..
i need your help in
1. How to start in php
2. What are the softwares require and how to instal and configure them
3. How to learn more

--------Thank you all in advance--------------

Learning PHP XHTML CSS -- Nettuts - Getting Started with PHP from scratch. are both good resources for getting started with web development.
The best way to install an development environment in windows is probably getting http://www.wampserver.com/en/ and using that, or installing php and apache (I'm assuming your on windows, if your on a mac, use WAMP instead). or http://gerardmcgarry.com/blog/xampp-windows-lamp-development
Then, as a beginner code auto-suggest (and no need to install a server package -- at first) is Aptana IDE.

you had better go to http://www.php.net and zend to download the php-software and zend studio.One for engine and the other is for writting the code. You can also go to php.net to get same examples for starting.

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