Hello Guys,

i have the following .htaccess file,

php_flag display_errors Off
php_flag display_startup_errors Off
php_flag log_errors On
php_flag magic_quotes_sybase Off
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc On
php_flag register_globals Off
php_value error_log /home/sites/mydomain.co.uk/public_html/err_ors/php.txt
php_value error_reporting 2147483647 
Options All -Indexes
php_value disable_functions phpinfo
ErrorDocument 404 /404page.html

I then did a test error so i had the following error,

"ERROR: Access denied for user 'nobody'@'localhost' (using password: NO)"

but the problem is why is it showing that error, it should save it to php.txt, can someone please tell me why this is happening

Thank you

Also i would like to know should i leave

"magic_quotes_gpc" on or off?

What is your view.

THank you

Don't use .htaccess to configure php. Thats what a php.ini file is for.

That error looks to because by a mysql connection. Check your database credentials.

magic_quotes_gpc should be off.


I have been told by my host company that i will not be able to use php.ini that is why i am using .htaccess.

Please note that i have created that error myself, to see if it saves the error in php.txt file, what i want to know is why it isnt?

Thank you

I skimmed the thread. I should of read it all, sorry.

As for the error logging file, just make sure the path is correct and the php.txt file exists.


Thank you for your reply,

I have made sure that its the case and made it to 777 CHMOD, but i would like to ask should it have saved the error in that file? Even if it doesnt i have turned the error off, why is it still showing that error?

Thank you for your help


After searching around, i find that its not saving it due it being a mysql error. Is that correct?

How can i test if it saves php errors? can you please tell me a code to type.

Thank you

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