hi to all,
I want to give user facility to download files from my website.
so, user first view it. I saved file path in data table, but I don't know how to change href value dynamically..?

or any other solution exist?

If you have the path + name of the file . maybe try the following.

add the path and name to a datatable.

From there you need to get the selected index of the grid row.

Then you get the datarow and the clumns of the row [file path] [file name] and assign it to the item you need ... then on click , response.redirect .

Declare an <a> object in the HTML markup as below. See the runat="server" property. So that you can set/get the properties of <a> object from the C# code behind class file.

<a id="anchDownloadFile" runat="server">Download</a>

You can assign href in the C# class file as below

anchDownloadFile.HRef =  "http://localhost/yoursitename/fileName";
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