I am developing a part of asp.net web site as a training project.
My part is creating authentication structure and authorization. Can any body please tell me are there any way to do this except using sql membership provider. Because we have to implement according to the class definitions given by our analyst. I want to know are there any possibility to get it conflicts if I use sql membership provider, because it create its own database.

Because we have to implement according to the class definitions given by our analyst.

Can you explain that a bit.

Do you mean you don't want to use default database used by SqlMembership Provider?

Can you explain that a bit.

Do you mean you don't want to use default database used by SqlMembership Provider?

Yse thats right. Can I modify that default database as I wish? And I want to know whether I can implement without using sql membership provider. If it is so, please give me a reference.

By defult, SQL membership provider creates the database with name 'aspnetdb'. But you can use your own database to create tables related to membership provider.

Also the tables and stored procedures are prefixed with 'aspnet'. The views are prefixed with 'vw_aspnet'. Therefore chances are very remote to conflict with other tables related to your application.

Also if you want to implement authentication and role management without using membership provider, then you need to develop your own implementation which may need a lot of efforts.

commented: Nice explanation +1

If I use sql membership provider, how I connect tables of my application with, auto generated tables. because analyst have given the schema of database to our group.

Looks either you are misunderstanding Sql Membership or I am still unable to get your question. So..
1: Sql Memberhship provider uses Membership tables provied by MS. Do you want to use any of those tables ?
2: Your analyst has DB schema...so does that include tables related to User login, roles management etc?

Let me explain a bit. Membership Provider and SqlMembershipProvider are although same but different. SqlMembershipProvider extends MembershipProvider class to implement functionality that use Default MembershipDB schema.
You can write your own Custom Membership provider (like SqlMP) extending MembershipProvider class. It is a bit of work.

Check here in action: http://www.asp.net/learn/videos/video-189.aspx

So hope that will help you understand more on this and you can tell us more on what exactly we are missing here in your question.

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