my problem is with using
in doen't work. what can i do instead ?

Are you using a secured page (Https)? If so, then apparently is isn't passed.

i think because i used onclick event to open the link,so it returns Null in IE.
i'm not sure.i have to test it.

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Yep this is because of the js. It fails with both window.location and window.location.ref. Normal links are supported. Haven't seen a workaround for this.

$_SERVER should be fully supported, but I've found it reasonably unreliable.


In general, you should never rely on any sort of client-controlled functionality for your sites to work. Like the HTTP_REFERE or cache-control headers.

Use server-side methods, like sessions or databases, to do stuff like this if the functionality of your site depends on it.
Try just always writing the current URL into a session variable at the bottom of the page, and use that instead of the HTTP_REFERER. It's not perfect, but it's more reliable.

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