
My problem at the moment is a bit different than specified in topic title.

I have an Iframe which displays .html file with js/ content slider
when i click a link inside of that iframe I want for pop up window (greybox) to appear, but not inside of iframe , outside of it.

I found a section of developers page about this, but I don't seem to be able to do this.. http://orangoo.com/labs/GreyBox/FAQ/#q12

I undersand that I must leave greybox folder/files where they normally are located?!

Do i need to add something more to

<a href="http://google.com/" onclick="return parent.GB_show('Google', this.href)">Visit Google</a>

as I just copied it. with no changes ..

are you trying to make some wrap page with opacity? why not try use jquery instead. easier to applied and a lot of other effects that you can use or implement.

I have a page example.html, when I press link in example.html, a pop up windows opens up (greybox, similair to lightbox, thickbox etc)

I know Iframes aren't great :/ but I have one, and that iframe displays example.html.

What I want to do is open pop up windows from Iframe, when example.html is displayed, so it opens in whole parent page, not just inside of that iframe..

I hope this makes more sense :)

I have a page example.html, when I press link in example.html, a pop up windows opens up (greybox, similair to lightbox, thickbox etc)

I know Iframes aren't great :/ but I have one, and that iframe displays example.html.

What I want to do is open pop up windows from Iframe, when example.html is displayed, so it opens in whole parent page, not just inside of that iframe..

I hope this makes more sense :)

do you mean like facebook dialog box? the one who appear on its parent window? sorry could you please provide some screen shots of it?

Wonderland: The code in your first post in this thead seems to be correct, is it not working?

I would like to say big thank you to all who replied :)

I solved the problem.

Can you post the solution.

I solved the problem.

Then plese mark it "solved".

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