my connection string goes like this...

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=MyDB;Data Source=mysource

I am using windows authentication, iis 7 and Classic ASP to to connect to SQL express 2008.
Using UDL i can connect to my SQL.
I can also connect to my SQLExpress when i am running my Database management studio.

my problem is that i cannot connect to my datasource and response "Cannot open database "mysource" requested by the login. The login failed." upon connecting via asp pages.

I have tried setting my IIS7 to use windows authentication but the problem is that i don't want to go trhough the usual login page that prompts and created my own login pages that is connected to my AD.

Can anyone help me?


Have u created the datasource(database driver)?
if not, then create it.

Have u created the datasource(database driver)?
if not, then create it.

yes I have already created one.

connstr="Driver={SQL Server};; Database=adnew; Uid=adnew; Pwd=Whwit123;" connstr

i use this script to connect my mdb file

Dim con
    con = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" &  Server.MapPath("file.mdb")

It is right

my connection string goes like this...

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=MyDB;Data Source=mysource

I am using windows authentication, iis 7 and Classic ASP to to connect to SQL express 2008.
Using UDL i can connect to my SQL.
I can also connect to my SQLExpress when i am running my Database management studio.

my problem is that i cannot connect to my datasource and response "Cannot open database "mysource" requested by the login. The login failed." upon connecting via asp pages.

I have tried setting my IIS7 to use windows authentication but the problem is that i don't want to go trhough the usual login page that prompts and created my own login pages that is connected to my AD.

Can anyone help me?


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