Hi Folks,
I have made web site in ASP.NET 2.0 with ajax enabled. It is running successfully with my local host. Now I want Host it in my server machine, I Want know the procedures to upload this in server.. So please help me out...

If You have used ASP.NET Ajax Framework 1.0 and the site is ASP.NET 2.0 based , then you need to install Ajax Framework in the server(in addition to .Net 2.0). Becuase the Ajax DLL has to be registed in GAC.

If your project is asp.net 3.5 based, then you should ensure that the right framework is installed in the server. Installing .NET 3.5 will also install Ajax framework in the server.

Apart from this, deployment is common for web site with or without Ajax.
You need to publish your site and deploy it in the server.

Refer this link.
Deploying Your Website Using Visual Studio

Just drop the ajax dll into the bin folder of the hosting directory.

Hi every one
am using ajax dll in my project i fallowed the same steps u said every thing working fine all the ajax funtions (<Ajax.JavascriptMethod()>) is throwing javascript error that is expected function name from client side could you please help me what can i do am using vb code in my prject, i searched a lot and i get updated ajax dll but its working in c# code not suporting for .vb code any healp? ajax-dll-.aspx

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