Hello all,

I have a php function that deletes the contents of a database table that relies on a javascript confirm box to tell it what to do as follows

javascript function as follows

function deleteMasterList()
	var outcome = confirm("Delete Master List, you will have to re-enter all band genres");
		<?php removeFromMasterList ?>		

I now know this won't work as it will execute the php no matter what so I did this

function deleteMasterList()
	var outcome = confirm("Delete Master List, you will have to re-enter all band genres");
		window.location = "http://localhost/AA_Directory_Reader/delete.php" ;

which is going to take me to a page that deletes the data from the database base then redirects back to the main page

except it does not take me there or to any other working web url I enter

this is the form i call it with

echo '<form action="index.php" method="post"  onSubmit="return(deleteMasterList())">';
echo '<input type="submit" name="delete_master_list" value="Delete Master List" /><br / >';
echo '</form>';

ideally I would like it to be one button press to get the confirm box to appear and then another to confirm or cancel, most examples I can find online use <a href> to link and do it via link to call there page not javascript

any ideas ?


try this

<a href="http://localhost/AA_Directory_Reader/delete.php" onClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this Entry?')">Delete</a>

this works, but it is a link, which if given the choice I would prefer to do it by buttons.

Did it like this,

echo '<input type="button" value="Delete Master List" onclick="deleteMasterList()"/>';

which calls this java function

function deleteMasterList()
    var yes = confirm("Delete Master List ??");

which if yes is clicked takes you to this page which simply deletes the data then returns you to main page

header("Location: index.php");
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