I am looking for a sane and sensible PHP framework. Every framework I've run into so far offers "an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying applications" which is basically code for "a whole bunch of needlessly complicated BS I don't need".

Ultimately, I am looking for something that is going to present my MySQL database in some reasonable object-oriented fashion (getters,setters,commit/save methods,basic injection protection,etc) and then STAY OUT OF MY WAY. I don't want the next PHP implementation of HAL9000 that promises to write my app for me. A thin layer over my DB and ZERO else should not be too much to ask for? There must be something out there...

Any suggestions?

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How about the PEAR/PECL packages? Modular so they don't take over your soul.

The thing you are describing is not a framework, it's an ORM. Google around for simple PHP ORMs and you'll find what you are looking for. If you look for framework it's just going to be, exactly like you said, a bunch of stuff you don't need.

My best recommendation for an ORM is Doctrine but that is far from lightweight. It is a very mature, very powerful PHP ORM

PHP OOP framework? then codeignigter best suites your needs!

The thing you are describing is not a framework, it's an ORM. Google around for simple PHP ORMs and you'll find what you are looking for. If you look for framework it's just going to be, exactly like you said, a bunch of stuff you don't need.

My best recommendation for an ORM is Doctrine but that is far from lightweight. It is a very mature, very powerful PHP ORM

It doesn't need to be 'lightweight', it just needs to do it's job and otherwise keep to itself. I really like what I'm seeing on this Doctrine site here. Automatic understanding of the meaning of foreign keys... cool.

P.S. How the hell do I mark this as solved with the solvification credit going to the right person?

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