Hi guys,

I am having difficulties to purchase a HONEST and DECENT Linux hosting for my PHP + MySQL website. I am asking you to suggest me one or two based on your experiences because most of hosting companies offer very exciting stuff but most of them are hustlers (I am personally having problems). They say “unlimited” this and that but unfortunately once you purchase or have a lot of traffic, you see the true faces.

So, please help me to find a HONEST Linux hosting company. Thanks for your help in advance.

Your right about unlimited hosting. I signed up for justhost and although I get unlimited webspace and unlimited bandwidth I am very restricted on what content I can publish and how much traffic I can have. So people like that are just a rip off.
If you are after decent hosting and don't mind the occasional server maintenance (1 or 2 times a month) then Jumba has a wide range of plans suitable for a range of needs. The only trouble I have ever encountered with Jumba is being migrated to a new server twice. But that was to reduce serverload on their servers for better customer experience.
Also I will warn you now 1dollarhoster is a scam. It offers a lot of stuff (eg 200MB) for $1 but they don't allow you to have a domain name and they have virtually no support. IMO Jumba truly is the best.

Mods - Please do not snip links as it shows what plans are available for what prices as I have been on those plans and experienced them myself. :-)

I personally use http://www.fatcow.com and I like their hosting as well as the wide variety of tools they give you to assist you(like PHP MyAdmin, invaluable for managing a MySQL database, and a bunch of other stuff).

Yes exactly, Justhost is a Justscam. There are a lot of news about them if it is Googled, even some "busted" videos.

I also need UK based company because my target market is Europe only. I don't think the servers in USA or Australia would be good for serving Europe. Performance issues.

I just found one. uk2net looks fine but from outside. Did anyone used this company?

Please be aware that web hosting aimed at the 'personal' market will have low quotas applied to the bandwidth and size. I _personally_ have found a small business account to be best _for me_. I use www.1and1.co.uk and I understand that they have a '.COM' site too.

What ever you decide though please do the following,
write down -
1) The bandwidth you want and why (you might think about starting low and increasing as your site gains its world wide following.)

2) The storage space required (see note on 1)

3) The number of domain names and sub-domains you need. Which TLDs? (Note on 1 again)

4) The number of POP / IMAP email accounts, can you have anti-virus / spam filters (and how many) (yadda note 1 yadda)

5) Can you have your own certificate(s)? Does the hoster offer a shared certificate (do you actually want a shared certificate)

6) What site building tools / e-shops does the hoster provide, do you want them.

7) Shared host or your own hosted server? Can you upgrade?

8) How much can you afford, don't forget VAT (which might go up to 20% soon.)

As I said www.1and1.co.uk works great _for me_. It ticked all of the boxes that I wanted ticked, the upgrade path is clear, quick and easy and the tools that they offer work without being too trivial to use.

I have had 4 good years with streamline.net, there packages seem decent enough and i recently started reseller hosting with eukhost.com and found them pretty trouble free!

Hope it helps!

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I have had 4 good years with streamline.net, there packages seem decent enough and i recently started reseller hosting with eukhost.com and found them pretty trouble free!

Hope it helps!

Ditto streamline.net. Will keep with them for foreseeable future.

Prompt ticket response - however I am not impressed with their support knowledge. Tends to be a rehash of their online FAQ.

Tried xcalibre too, but they were really tight on the number of mysql dbs. Also wanted extra money for 'standard' elements. Support was excellent though. Inflexible with regard to pricing and custom needs. I wanted to create a failover - no such luck! So I dropped them like a bad habit.

Neither use cPanel, which is a shame - I just being able to tweak stuff without having to make a request or getting bogged down in circular faqs. Cron jobs a problem.

I have been using streamline.net and have currently 5 website of mine hosted on their servers.

I have never had any problem with those guys but as ardav says the answers you get from them regarding to your support tickets are really poor. They sometimes answer without using brain. (e.g. Q:What is your name? A:I drive BMW!) Also, you cannot use new versions of some browsers if you want to see things in your sent items for webmail feature that they provide. Apart from all, I recommend them if you are not after web space.

I won't use them this time for my one particular website because I need some web space which they don't provide. That's why I need to go for one DECENT hosting which look like uk2.net. Not decided though. Will depend on your suggestions.

Yes heartinternet looks fine. I may consider them as weel.

I too recommend 1and1, there's a lot of negative reviews out there - but I have been with them for over a year with no issue, other than the occasional server lag. Overall they have good prices and pretty good service.

cwarn23, I am the owner of 1dollarhoster.com how is 1dollarhoster.com a scam? I guess you never actually tried the service because you are allowed to have your own domain, mysql db, and more. With over 7k happy customers.

I'd like to know what facts did you base your statement on?

Thank You,


Your right about unlimited hosting. I signed up for justhost and although I get unlimited webspace and unlimited bandwidth I am very restricted on what content I can publish and how much traffic I can have. So people like that are just a rip off.
If you are after decent hosting and don't mind the occasional server maintenance (1 or 2 times a month) then Jumba has a wide range of plans suitable for a range of needs. The only trouble I have ever encountered with Jumba is being migrated to a new server twice. But that was to reduce serverload on their servers for better customer experience.
Also I will warn you now 1dollarhoster is a scam. It offers a lot of stuff (eg 200MB) for $1 but they don't allow you to have a domain name and they have virtually no support. IMO Jumba truly is the best.

Mods - Please do not snip links as it shows what plans are available for what prices as I have been on those plans and experienced them myself. :-)

I m using Hostgator, i will put up my web sistem next month and it was developed using PHP, i was reading hostgator features and i think is enought

cwarn23, I am the owner of 1dollarhoster.com how is 1dollarhoster.com a scam? I guess you never actually tried the service because you are allowed to have your own domain, mysql db, and more. With over 7k happy customers.

I'd like to know what facts did you base your statement on?

Thank You,


Well when I signed up for the plan and went to purchase a domain with 1dollarhoster the domain never attached to the account meaning my website url was something like http://123.456.789/~cwarnnet/
And when I tried to contact support I never got a reply. The only time I ever got a reply from support was when canceling the account. Also note that with the type of url that I was given many php scripts didn't work because the ~ symbol is not accepted in cms's such as phpbb. The only part of the service that I was satisfied with was the fact that I could store files (not websites). Other than that there was nothing else I could really do with the service.

Can you please PM me your name and last time I would like to search my system for your account and see what happened so this will not happen again. We answer every single ticket that we receive.

Well when I signed up for the plan and went to purchase a domain with 1dollarhoster the domain never attached to the account meaning my website url was something like http://123.456.789/~cwarnnet/
And when I tried to contact support I never got a reply. The only time I ever got a reply from support was when canceling the account. Also note that with the type of url that I was given many php scripts didn't work because the ~ symbol is not accepted in cms's such as phpbb. The only part of the service that I was satisfied with was the fact that I could store files (not websites). Other than that there was nothing else I could really do with the service.

http://www.webhostingtalk.com read through their shared hosting offers forum or reseller or whatever you're looking for then search those companies on their site and read through topics about the host. Probably one of the most robust resources when it comes to host selection that I've found.

If you want to avoid the legwork, i highly recommend LiquidWeb http://liquidweb.com/. Have worked with them many times, have dealt with them on the dedicated and shared levels, and they're amazing. Their support is top notch.

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