In Firefox, the JavaScript code an interact with the document object to affect HTML structure and CSS style rules as well as define behaviors for given events.

Can the JavaScript code also modify elements of the window object, like menus, not just enable or disable them in a new window? If so, how?

If you mean the browser window menus, like "File", "Edit", "View" etc. then the answer is no. You cannot modify parts of the browser window from javascript.
You change window size and write to the status bar (both of which is a big 'maybe' in Firefox, since the user can prevent these), but that all as far as I know.

If you mean the browser window menus, like "File", "Edit", "View" etc. then the answer is no. You cannot modify parts of the browser window from javascript.
You change window size and write to the status bar (both of which is a big 'maybe' in Firefox, since the user can prevent these), but that all as far as I know.

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