Hello Everyone i am here to get help from you to make a php website where people can post videos which are hosted on different video hosting websites and also earn revenue from their sharing....
The website will look like


And Form Will Look Like This One I Found On The Web While Surfing


And Just One More Field For Their Adsense Publisher ID right below the tags field for their revenue share

i am not asking someone to make it for me .... someone please guide me about the codes and i will make it my self....

Well, perhaps you should post a question then?

Ezzaral thats the main problem i am not a webmaster i am a learner or you can say a student

Member Avatar for diafol

Ezzaral thats the main problem i am not a webmaster i am a learner or you can say a student

SO you've obviously learned or studied something. Here's some code:

echo "hello world";

Is that OK? Get specific or expect crap answers like this one.

You need to come with more than just "show me how to make this" though. Have you studied even the basics of using PHP? Do you know how to create an HTML form? Which parts do you have an idea of how to complete and which parts do you need more info on?

Truly speaking before coming to daniweb forum i don't even know how to write php code and after getting help from awesome members of the website i have made codes for my web and almost 4 times increases my traffic ......

So moral of the story i don't know anything but aims to do anything by your help...

Member Avatar for diafol

Get a book, look at some online tutorials, use the search function on this site to find threads of interest. When you have some knowledge, figure out what you want to do and what SPECIFIC help you need.

If you can help me step by step .... is it possible

Member Avatar for diafol

If you can help me step by step .... is it possible

What on earth are you talking about. Step by step what??
With what particular aspect of php do you need help. *sigh*

It tends to be quite useful when learning the PHP language, this is a forum for HELPING people with problems, come back in a few months and we can HELP you rather than TELL you what to do

Member Avatar for diafol

This is my last post to this. Start a new thread. Ask a question. [Otherwise shut the **** up]. Ask your q.

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