
Hi, could someone please explain to me how I can read the two parameters carried in the URL.

you would use $_GET

so if it was process.php?id=1, you would have something like

$id = $_GET['id'];
echo = $id

and your output would be 1


mastia "two parameters carried in the URL" means exctly for what you are talking ?

if you talking about id=7&posid=3 then you can get them by $_SERVER;

check server variable reference of php you can get better idea.

there is number of option to get it that values.
here is one of that.
first write extract() after ob_start(); in phpcode

echo $id;
echo $posid; 

see now. you can use directly as $id,$postid where you want to use.

in php get values from url using REQUEST[].


just for my info here. $_REQUEST is for either GET or POST Values right?

can you help me find examples on how to contract ERD of Enrollments System??.... and how to make a flowchart

is that not a question for your own post?

there is number of option to get it that values.
here is one of that.
first write extract() after ob_start(); in phpcode

echo $id;
echo $posid; 

see now. you can use directly as $id,$postid where you want to use.

It works like a charm!
Thanx fellas.

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