Hi All

I want to show the location of client on my site to show some message like "You are sitting at NewYork". Please let me know how this is posiible.

I have seen on some fake stuff on dating site like. "i m online from CA" etc.

I know this will need a oniline database of IP Addresses but can anyone suggest me such type of any free database.

Thanks in advance.

Hi there thanks for your valuable reply. only you replied to this thread, so obvious you are one among thousands.

I am trying to import the .csv in my sql database which i downloaded from link that you sent to me but it is giving the error ' invalid count at line no 1'

will you please let me know how can i import .csv into mysql or any other resource of .SQL database?

Thanks a lot.


Many thanks for your reply but when i am trying to execute update.php it says
"Mysql packet size is 1MB and it is lower than the size of the file GeoIPCountryWhois.csv which is 8.46MB."

Can you please suggest what should i do?

Thanks again.

I am using a shared hosting. It looks like you have already installed the database. Could you please export a .SQL of that database and send me? I hope this problem is due to .CSV and .SQL should not give an error.

I will be very thanks full to you. Or if you cannot , can you please suggest an another method i am still facing problem with that error.

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