I am currently re desigining a web site and would like to make things easyer by using php.

I have the basic design done in html tables and want to change the content of cells depending on what links are clicked on, or at least i think this is the right way to go about it.

can some one point me in the right direction please and if anyone has any examples of that would be great, I have used PHP breifly but really just want to learn what i need to know to get this done.

Thanks in advance,


Are you stroring content in the Database then?

or doing some sort of calculion in the "cells"?

Senexom asks a good question--what do you REALLY want to do? You could have code such as this:



$page_action = $_GET['a'];
switch($page_action) {
case "action1":
  echo "You chose action 1.";
case "action2":
  echo "You chose action 2.";
  echo "Welcome to my page.";



<a href="mypage.php?a=action1">Action 1</a>
<a href="mypage.php?a=action2">Action 2</a>
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