Hellow friends!

I am new to ASP.net.

I am developing my college major project in Asp.net 2008.

How should I use Ajax controls in my web project?

I added the ASP.NET Ajax Library 0911 Beta to my VWD. The controls are visible, but they dont work properly on runtime. Controls like "rounded corner", etc just dont show any change on the webpage.

I also have a Ajax control toolkit sample website. And all the controls work fine in it.

What do I need to do?

Please tell me detailed procedure as I am new to it.

Thanks! :)

>The controls are visible, but they dont work properly on runtime. Controls like "rounded corner", etc just dont show any change on the webpage.

You have to add some sort of graphics files.

>What do I need to do?

Read documentation.

You can start using ajax and the ajaxcontroltoolkit.
Juz add Script Manager(everytime your are using it) and the panel itself depend on what ajax function you need.

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