I am trying to code this kind of menu ( http://www.elmalma.com/index.html) for my web page but I have no clue how to do this. does anyone has idea about this. or What is this menu name?

Thank you so much for help


well, I can't do this, but you either use Flash, or Jquery

Wow nice menu.

its a SQueezeBox(css/javascript) menu, very similar effects can be done in straight css,

This is a poor menu implementation, squeezebox supports dynamic sizing by default and they should have used it, if you reduce the window to a part screen, the entire active part of the menu, pushes offscreen right and is invisible.
on a scale of 0-10 this implementation is maybe 2
potential to do much more in your implementation of the same freeware
just about any 'vertical drop down css menu's could be used to make this menu,
without flash or java, the flash on the site is just the scroller down the side

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