would you please help me in retrieving values related to user select a country then its automatically shows the states name of that country in next dropdownlist and after that it will automatically display the city names respected to that country..

please do the needful.its really very urgent

thank u in advance..


would you please help me in retrieving values related to user select a country then its automatically shows the states name of that country in next dropdownlist and after that it will automatically display the city names respected to that country..

please do the needful.its really very urgent

thank u in advance..


1) Fill the country dropdown on Page_Load event
2) Fill the state dropdown on SelectedIndexChanged event of country dropdown (Note that the country dropdown's AutoPostback property should set to True).
3) Fill the cityname dropdown on SelectedIndexChanged event of state dropdown (Note that the state dropdown's AutoPostback property should set to True).

Try this it will help you. Otherwise reply ur queries.

thanx alot sir..
really its work..:)


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