Hi everyone
i am using Window XP, mozila firefox, and php 4.1
i made php project for my final year exams...now this is not runing..
my project consist menu that list out all the options. this menu is in javascript and css.
where i developed that project runing properly.. but when i run it on anoter system menu didnt open. i enable javascript in my system from tools menu . but doesnt effect..plz give me soloution .......m in trouble.

May be it is browser version problem, check it once

Hi everyone
i am using Window XP, mozila firefox, and php 4.1
i made php project for my final year exams...now this is not runing..
my project consist menu that list out all the options. this menu is in javascript and css.
where i developed that project runing properly.. but when i run it on anoter system menu didnt open. i enable javascript in my system from tools menu . but doesnt effect..plz give me soloution .......m in trouble.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Check whether they installed XAMPP/WAMP, or PHP in that system.

First of all check with the browser, with the following url:


If it displays some page, then installation is fine and check phpmyadmin is working properly.

You should place your folder in the htdocs folder of xamp, www of wamp etc.

i m using aapche and it is running... and phpmyadmin is also runing properly..
and my folder is in right location...... if i open all my pages individually then is runing well.... but Menu that contains all that is not opening...
eg.. https://localhst/newhr/empfrminscmp.php
this is runing well....

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

What is the extension of the file which contains your menu?
That is only developed in javascript and css? not utilizing php?
Whether that was the file to load first? named as index.php?

my menu contain one js file that is ssmothmenu.js and one is smoothmenu.php
that main menu that i call in main form that is smoothmenu.php
....i note one thing that when internet is connected only then that menu open...like now if i try to open menu it will wrk fine...... when i disconnect internet conn and then open that menu . will not be open.. wt is the reson?

check whether script source is a web address. May be jquery. then download equivalent js file.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Somewhere in your code the online reference is there. open your js and smooth.php and find the keyword "http://" or "www." if it is there, check where it referenced. If the reference is a file that able to download then download and place in your folder and give the path instead of "http://".

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