I don't get what's wrong. The text box is there and the button is there, but nothing's happening.

	<title>Test JavaScript</title>

		var col=3;

		fucntion randy()
			col++; col%=10;
			col+=4;	col*=45;
		function funny(num)

				{return "Marry had a little lamb.";}
			else if(num==1)
				{return "Ba ba blacksheep.";}
			else if(num==2)
				{return "Twinkle twinkle little star.";}
			else if(num==3)
				{return "One two, tie yur shoe.";}
			else if(num==4)
				{return "Don't remember any others.";}
			return "Ha ha!";

	<input type="button" value="Click me!" id="daButton" />
	<input type="text" value="Now you'll see some fun." id="textBox" />

	var tB=document.getElementById("textBox");
	var dB=document.getElementById("daButton");
	tB.onmouseover=function(){tB.value="No point in typing anything.";};
	tB.onfocus=fucntion(){tB.value="You insist on typing!";};
	dB.onclick=fucntion(){tB.value=funny(col); randy();}; 

I don't get what's wrong.

fucntion randy()
	<input type="button" value="Click me!" id="daButton" />

1. Spelling.
2. Syntax.
3. I could suggest <input type="button" id="daButton" value="Click me!" onclick="randy();tB.value=funny(col)"> and other fixes but I stopped reading.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
	<title>Test JavaScript</title>

		var col=3;

		function randy()
			col++; col%=10;
			col+=4;	col*=45;
		function funny(num)

				{return "Marry had a little lamb.";}
			else if(num==1)
				{return "Ba ba blacksheep.";}
			else if(num==2)
				{return "Twinkle twinkle little star.";}
			else if(num==3)
				{return "One two, tie yur shoe.";}
			else if(num==4)
				{return "Don't remember any others.";}
			return "Ha ha!";

	<input type="button" value="Click me!" id="daButton" />
	<input type="text" value="Now you'll see some fun." id="textBox" />

	var tB=document.getElementById("textBox");
	var dB=document.getElementById("daButton");
	tB.onmouseover=function(){tB.value="No point in typing anything.";};
	tB.onfocus=function(){tB.value="You insist on typing!";};
	dB.onclick=function(){tB.value=funny(col); randy();}; 

Are you a typing master? LOL only the erros are the spelling mistakes,
Just to point out:
=> should be >=
fnction should be function.

Be cautious on typing those things. Have a habit of debugging!.

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