Here I try to make a dynamic site, means the content only is displayed in a main part of website.Hmm, all related pages are called by the values that are passed by the URL.
Here is my source
Firstly, from the main.asp page I add page dynamic_site.asp to show other related pages: employerSite.asp, employerProfile.asp...
Now from the employerSite.asp (it contains many links to other pages), I want to display other links ( its sub-links) in it. It mains in that same page. The content of sub-links will be display belove the menu link (Register******Manage).
I get stuck here. When I check the action got from the url for sub-link (eg: employerRegister.asp) in the employerSite.asp it is empty!!!
I cannot attach my files, so I insert a link!
Help me!

Can you please explain it properly.

Can you please explain it properly.

Thanks for sharing.

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