Hi, can anyone give me a bit of advise? Ok this code works and sends a result if it is higher than 99% to an email address. What I now need to do is limit the number of times a person can access the quiz if they don't score 99% in say, three attempts. I think I probably need to use session control some how or a for loop in the final else statement. Any assistance would be appreciated.


if($_POST['q1']== ''||$_POST['q2']== ''||$_POST['q3']== ''||$_POST['q4']== ''||$_POST['q5']== ''||$_POST['q6']== ''||$_POST['q7']== ''||$_POST['q8']== ''||$_POST['q9']== ''||$_POST['q10'] == ''||$_POST['q11'] == ''||$_POST['q12'] == ''||$_POST['q13'] == ''||$_POST['q14'] == ''||$_POST['q15'] == ''||$_POST['16'] == ''||$_POST['q17'] == ''||$_POST['q18'] == ''||$_POST['q19'] == ''||$_POST['q20'] == ''||$_POST['q21']== ''||$_POST['q22'] == ''||$_POST['q23'] == ''||$_POST['q24'] == ''||$_POST['q25'] == ''||$_POST['q26'] == ''||$_POST['q27'] == ''||$_POST['q28'] == ''||$_POST['fname'] == '')

        echo "Please go back and enter your name and answer all questions";

    $score = 0;
    if($_POST['q1'] == 4)
    if($_POST['q2'] == 3)
    if($_POST['q3'] == 5)
    if($_POST['q4'] == 1)
    if($_POST['q5'] == 1)
    if($_POST['q6'] == 1)
    if($_POST['q7'] == 2)
    if($_POST['q8'] == 1)
    if($_POST['q9'] == 1)
    if($_POST['q10'] == 2)
    if($_POST['q11'] == 5 )
    if($_POST['q12'] == 4)
    if($_POST['q13'] == 4)
    if($_POST['q14'] == 3)
    if($_POST['q15'] == 3)
    if($_POST['q16'] == 4)
    if($_POST['q17'] == 2)
    if($_POST['q18'] == 2)
    if($_POST['q19'] == 4)
    if($_POST['q20'] == 2)
    if($_POST['q21'] == 1)
    if($_POST['q22'] == 1)
    if($_POST['q23'] == 4)
    if($_POST['q24'] == 1)
    if($_POST['q25'] == 1)
    if($_POST['q26'] == 1)
    if($_POST['q27'] == 2)
    if($_POST['q28'] == 4)

    $score1 = $score /27 *100;

    if($score1  > 99)
        echo '<A HREF = "certsubmit.html"> Congratulations You Have Passed.'; 

        echo "Please click the Browser Back Button and attempt the Assessment again";

$to      = "info@*******.com";
$subject = "Entry Quiz";
$message = "Results for " . $_POST['fname'] . ":\n";
$message .= "\n";

for ($i = 1; $i <= 28; $i++)
    if (isset($_POST['q' . $i]))
        $message .= "Answer for question " . $i . ": " . $_POST['q' . $i] . "\n";

$headers = "From: [email]webmaster@*******.com[/email]";

mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);


You can do a session_start at the beginning of the module and then add to a session counter (e.g. $_SESSION++;).You can check the value of the counter and if it is over the limit, you can print an error message and exit.

Thanks Chrishea, So what you are saying is put session_start() at the start of the page and with a $_session++ in the final else statment.Would I need to declare 'tries' as a variable at the start of the page before anything else?

What I have done is to move the code to email the results into the is statement and placed it into curly brackets so that only the passing scores are emailed as a temporary fix, basically ignore the less than 100% scores at this time.

if($score1 > 99)
{echo '<A HREF = "certsubmit.html"> Congratulations You Have Passed.';

$to = "info@*******.com";
$subject = "Entry Quiz";
$message = "Results for " . $_POST['fname'] . ":\n";
$message .= "\n";

for ($i = 1; $i <= 28; $i++)
if (isset($_POST['q' . $i]))
$message .= "Answer for question " . $i . ": " . $_POST['q' . $i] . "\n";

$headers = "From: webmaster@*******.com";

mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);}
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