I am not a developer I am a user of the Internet and very active so active that I need to use a password manager now the problem with this is that I use the password manager to save me time and one of the biggest problems is that some websites use this flash or java script based login window and my password will not be automatically inserted into the websiteauthentication. Is there a security reason for these login systems or are they just made to annoy people like me.

Not saying that it's the reason why the specific sites you're referring to would do this but in some cases sites choose to use methods that bypass automation in their logins and authentications to prevent automated users (read: bots) from utilizing their sites. This can be common on some forums, form submission sites and the like. However, the more common method for bot elimination is captcha (probably spelt that wrong) images so *shrug*.

Not saying that it's the reason why the specific sites you're referring to would do this but in some cases sites choose to use methods that bypass automation in their logins and authentications to prevent automated users (read: bots) from utilizing their sites. This can be common on some forums, form submission sites and the like. However, the more common method for bot elimination is captcha (probably spelt that wrong) images so *shrug*.

Thanks Luisiphur,
The Captcha I think is a Better Option but I have heard they have found a way to bypass these also sometimes they can be quite difficult to read.I myself use one on my blog but it's only set to use block capitals and numbers so it's not that annoying and still stops the bots.BTW wiki say's CAPTCHA or Captcha (pronounced /ˈkæptʃə/) it's one of those words you only read often but never say I can't blame you from being unsure with the spelling :)

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