Does anyone know?
I dont have experience in jquery , and as far i know by default all panels inherit the height of the 1st panel ,depending of the quantity of the content inside it.

In the content of each panel will be dynamic content, of different size thats why im intrested in this.
Thanks :)

clearStyle: true and fillSpace:true is all you need

            header: "h3",
            clearStyle: true,

clearStyle: true and fillSpace:true is all you need

            header: "h3",
            clearStyle: true,

Thats great thank you :)

I m having an other problem though..:(
Not important for readers but important for search engines....

My page structure is like this


I have placed the jquery accordion to the left column. Now the thing is that the left column is above the content in the page html code, and the h3 tag is above the h1,h2 which are within the content , which is not good for search engines..

I would like the accordior not to have any h tag so in the content div to smoothly to place my header tags with logical order h1,h2,h3.

I used <strong></strong> tag to 'simulate' the h3 but the intire accordion wasnt functioning normally.

Do you know any way to bypass this issue?
Are accordions working specifically with h3 tags?

Thanks once again :)

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