Hi to all,
There is a problem with the datagrid in Mozilla. Datagrid is showing images in Internet Explorer but not in Mozilla. I dont know why. Can anybody give a solution to this problem as soon as possible.

R U dynamically creating an Image control inside a datagrid.

No I am not dynamically creating image control in Datagrid.Its static.

Can you post your Javascript code for the Image,Datagrid and your server script code for datagrid.

The problem has been solved . I was taken path by "..\Misc\CreateThumbnail.aspx?size=" + images + "&Image=images\Dynamic\events\Mainimages\" + DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Main_Image") . Instead i used "~\Misc\CreateThumbnail.aspx?size=" + images + "&Image=images\Dynamic\events\Mainimages\" + DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Main_Image") and it solved the problem

I'm glad you solved the issue.

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