hi every body

i build login page in visual web developer using vb with standard create user control which have username,password,email,security question and its answer
the question is how to customize create user control so i need only from it email and password without security qustion and security answer and add new fields like age,sex,job
and remove password condition were the user have to add non alphabetic character to his password.


Please refere below link. It will help you..


hi every body

i build login page in visual web developer using vb with standard create user control which have username,password,email,security question and its answer
the question is how to customize create user control so i need only from it email and password without security qustion and security answer and add new fields like age,sex,job
and remove password condition were the user have to add non alphabetic character to his password.


first thing why we create a User Control..?

we create a user control when we require certain functionality

which is not available with our standard controls

or which can be reused by other pages or application..

eg : think about DateTimePicker Control provided by Jquery and not by Asp.net

so all the time we have you use calendar control + HH, MM, AM/Pm dropdowns to settle

the situation but if we put them all together than it make sense.

your requirement you can handle simply in one page..user control

which you are planning to create will not be reused again..

if it is for the sake of knowledge then cool...

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