
I'm setting up an alcohol website which requires age verifying. My knowledge in javascript is very limited.
I already have this age verify javascript which i've downloaded off net.

The problem is, i want a different image to show up at the bottom, when visitor selects their year.

Eg. if they select any year from 1970-1979, an image of wine bottle will show. If any year from 1980 to 1989 is selected, a beer image will show up.

Any help would be much appreciated.

The age verify script im using is as following.

function checkAge()
			/* the minumum age you want to allow in */
			var min_age = 18;
			/* change "age_form" to whatever your form has for a name="..." */
			var year = parseInt(document.forms["age_form"]["year"].value);
			var month = parseInt(document.forms["age_form"]["month"].value) - 1;
			var day = parseInt(document.forms["age_form"]["day"].value);
			var theirDate = new Date((year + min_age), month, day);
			var today = new Date;
			if ( (today.getTime() - theirDate.getTime()) < 0) {
				document.location = 'underage.html'; /* change to the underage url */
				return false;
			else {
				return true;
<form action="index2.php" method="get" name="age_form"> 
Day : <select name="day"> 
Month : <select name="month"> 
Year : 
<select name="year"> 
 <br /><br />
<input type="submit" name="_send_date_" value="Let me in" onClick="return checkAge()"> 

Where is the image area in your HTML code? Anyway, you may need to load both images but hide them while the page is being loaded (window.onload). Then you display a proper image when a proper value for date of birth is selected.

There is a problem in your code and I added the comment in it below.

/* change "age_form" to whatever your form has for a name="..." */
            var year = parseInt(document.forms["age_form"]["year"].value);
            var month = parseInt(document.forms["age_form"]["month"].value) - 1;
            var day = parseInt(document.forms["age_form"]["day"].value);
            // What happen if a user select a month that has only 30 days, but
            // the day at 31? Your HTML allows that to happen but you do not
            // verify anything but attempt to create a date object right away.
            var theirDate = new Date((year + min_age), month, day);

Hi Taywin. Thanks for the response.

I have not set the HTML code for the image to be loaded yet.

Re: problem in the code
Thats a good point. Will work on that soon.

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