Please help out as i am a beginner in PHP
I have a table with the name doinfo with the fields doctor,hospital, and city.
What I want is that when I select city from the dropdownlist, it should give me its details i.e the doctor and hospital.

I am able to get the city from the table in the drop down list,but when i select the 1 of the cities i am unable to get their details from the database.
here is the code I have done so far


$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `city` FROM `docinfo`";

$result = mysql_query ($query);

echo "<option value=$nt[city]>$nt[city]</option>";

echo "</select><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Go'><br>";

$q = "SELECT `doctor`, `hospital` FROM `docinfo` WHERE `city` = '$nt[city]'";
$r = mysql_query($q);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($r))
    echo "Doctor:".$row[doctor].", Hospital name:".$row[hospital]."<br/>";


echo "<select><option value=$nt[city]>$nt[city]</option>";
echo "</select><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Go'><br>";

echo this following line
$q = "SELECT `doctor`, `hospital` FROM `docinfo` WHERE `city` = '$nt[city]'";

May be the $nt[city] value is null in the query
In form action provide
and in action.php receive the passed url values as
and use it in mysql query.
Your action.php page can be any page, may be the same page
Then before retrieving the doctor information put them in a condition as
Neither it block of code will execute every time the pahe will load.

Thanks mahavir123
that's right when I echo my query, it shows no value at city=''.
I followed the steps you suggested after that, but nothing seems working.
I want to display the information in the same page..

the code looks like this after making changes..

let me know where am i making mistake..

echo "<form name=input method=post action=assigndoc.php?city=$nt[city]>";
echo "<select name=dcity value=''>Asign Doctors</option>";


echo "<option value=$nt[city]>$nt[city]</option>";
echo "</select><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Go'><br>";

$city = $_REQUEST['city'];

            $q = "SELECT `doctor`, `hospital` FROM `docinfo` WHERE `city` = '$city'";

            $r = mysql_query($q);
            while($row = mysql_fetch_array($r))
                    echo "Doctor:".$row[doctor].", Hospital name:".$row[hospital]."<br/>";
echo "</form>";

assigndoc.php is the page where i have the dropdown, and want to display details of the doctors here itself

ok.. I caught my mistake.Thanks alot for the same

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