i need to develop a page having a shared text area. two users would be using the same page on their respective machines but they share in a way that if one writes something in the text area it will be displayed to other as well. it will be done with ajax call but what i need is the shared storage medium on the server side where i can put my data so that both can access it. i can't use database of dynamic file storage. can somebody help me with this??? i came across with shared sessions but they only exists with asp.net. i need in php.

Perhaps you can use text file as the chat storage on the server, which named by dates.
Such as: 20101013_chat.txt for this day, and the next day write to different file.

actually the retrival time from the file placed on server hard will give me no good as i need to access data twice in a second. so i need a cache or something that is very fast.

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