
I've looked around and looks as if this can be done with Jquery, but the guides and full of so much bullshit its insane.

Anyone done this and have a good way to do this. Most of the other ones have form validation and crap which 1) doesnt relate to what i need and 2) dont apply for my needs.

I just want my form to be submitted without refreshing the page becauses its causing problems for other things running on the website.

I know PHP / HTML but dont know much when it comes to Javascript/JQuery.

Willing to paypal £10 to whoever can help me acheive this task which should be simple in this day in age.

Member Avatar for P0lT10n

hahaha... You can't do it with javascript or jquery... you need AJAX, that is PHP and JavaScript... is very simple !

Member Avatar for diafol

Don't offer money. This is a help forum. You'll need:

A interactive js form validation routine (jQuery or YAV or similar).
A submit routine (Ajax) -> js script -> php script (php form validation) -> ajax response.

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