I want to create facebook style friends system How to send,accept and manage friendship?

can anyone help me?


Have you started out with the code for the friends system project. Start writing the code and we can help you out with it.

Here's a tip to start.

Create a table for the friends. The format of the database could be one of 2 ways

1. The table would contain a username as the primary key and a column where the friends would be stored. The friends for the person would be a string with the id's of the users who are his friends in a comma separated user format. This can then be broken down into an array.

2. The table would not have a primary key and would just like the friends together. in a User<->Friend format. So when 2 people are linked together in the db this way, you know they are friends.

So start on the code and we'll help you on your way.

Have you started out with the code for the friends system project. Start writing the code and we can help you out with it.

Here's a tip to start.

Create a table for the friends. The format of the database could be one of 2 ways

1. The table would contain a username as the primary key and a column where the friends would be stored. The friends for the person would be a string with the id's of the users who are his friends in a comma separated user format. This can then be broken down into an array.

2. The table would not have a primary key and would just like the friends together. in a User<->Friend format. So when 2 people are linked together in the db this way, you know they are friends.

So start on the code and we'll help you on your way.


Database: `friendrequest`

--Table structure for table `friend_requests`--

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `friend_requests` (
`sender` int(11) NOT NULL,
`recipient` int(11) NOT NULL,

-- Table structure for table `members`--

`member_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`firstname` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`lastname` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`login` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`passwd` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`friends` text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`member_id`)

I have created database but I am confused how to send request and manage friends.

login= user name logged in
friends= friends of user logged in

When request is accepted it should be removed from table `friend_requests`

Is there need to create one more table "friends" to store friends of user?

Please Help me


Good. You have started.

This database structure will work. However, instead of creating the friends_request table, create a friends table. This would have the following fields,

ID - Friend1 - Friend2 - Request

Request wound contain say t for temporary and p for permanent. The convention can be changed for your convenience

When a message is sent from Friend 1 to Friend2 store the data as follows.

1 - SudeepJD - vizz - t

The t above states that the request is still active and is not confirmed by friend 2. When Friend2 receives the request, he can accept or reject it.

On acceptance, change the t to p to say that the request is now permanent. Once this is done, you know that it is no longer a request.

If rejected, delete the row from the database.

From this table, you can also manage friends by searching for the username is both Friend 1 and Friend 2 and displaying the counterpart data.

Let me know if you are stuck somewhere.

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