i want to learn asp . can i use mysql database with asp.how to connect to mysql database.
will u tell me the basic asp tutorials for beginners.

You can. But it would be much easy to use PHP with MySQL, at least there is phpMyAdmin to help with the interface with database. Connecting mySQL in ASP is as follow (change the dbname,username and password to yours):

' Open database
Dim Conn, RS
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Driver={MySql ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=localhost; database=dbname; uid=username; pwd=password; option=3;"
Set RS = Conn.Execute("SELECT * From tblcart")
' display results
While Not RS.EOF
Response.Write RS.Fields("fieldname") & "<br>"
' closing connection
Set RS = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing

Since you just want to start learning ASP, it would be better to learn php, if you want to use mySQL. You can easily change to ASP or other server side language in the future as they are very much the same. I learnt ASP at the first place and store data in MS Access and now move to php and mySQL. It just take me couple months to master php.

thank u very much, yes i m learning php. thnaks for ur sajaction

how do i run mysql server 2000 in my pc

there isnt a mysql version 2000. and that you would have to ask in the "database" forums

I think there is one problem with mySQL when using ASP, when mySQL change version, your syntax written in ASP can be "out of date".... I suggest you to use ASP with MSSQL and mySQL with PHP, that makes it much easier to get help in the different forums and knowledge bases too! My experiences only, not necessary the truth :-)

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