I want to use ASP.NET to do video stream. But I didn't know how to start.
Any sugestions?

ASP.NET is a server side processing framework; I don't think ASP.NET would be in control of a Video Stream ;-)

Unless you've got a windows 2003 server then you can use the windows media services.

You seems to be annoying a lot in your problem... Here is a link. There is a detailed PFF format. That article tells in a clear cut manner about streaming video files with ASP.NET.
Hope this solves your probs.
cheers ... :)

You seems to be annoying a lot in your problem... Here is a link. There is a detailed PFF format. That article tells in a clear cut manner about streaming video files with ASP.NET.
Hope this solves your probs.
cheers ... :)

He/She is not annoying.. just askin' a question and errrrr...your link is not workin'. :p

He/She is not annoying.. just askin' a question and errrrr...your link is not workin'. :p

I find it rude when sb makes ironic remarks on the way ppl use a foreign language. If you can't understand a post, just don't reply. And, yes that link doesn't work. http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/www.advancescripts.com/detailed/3155.html
In fact it's very hard to make it work (<-- ironic remark no 1).
I just wonder how did you find out what "PFF format" is (<-- ironic remark no 2)

Just a hint m8 : find the second "www" and delete everything that precedes it.
I believe that this forum exists for providing & receiving help; not play "smart".

I am sorry all the above links give 404 file not found error.


about the links: when you post something in [url=<some url>]<link name>[/url] tags, be sure to put the http:// or else it will be a relative path.

about the topic: you might look into building a Silverlight app. Note: Silverlight 1.0 is unmanaged. I've not used it myself, but it looks like you can use the Expression suite to whip stuff up pretty quick though. Silverlight 1.1 will support managed code.

I second Infarction's Silverlight suggestion (in fact when seeing the title of this post I clicked it with the sole intention of making the Silverlight suggestion and discovered that Infarction had already suggested it :-) ) Silverlight *is* the droid you are looking for ;-)

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