Hi, Im creating a page where it displays URLS, tags, and the user associated with it who is logged in after a login form was done. The tags are hyperlinks, so if a user clicks on it, it will reload the page with all the URLs associated with that tag. Im working from a database, so can i use a select statement within the anchor tag to achieve my task?? Thank you for your help

Member Avatar for diafol

Hmmm, I don't quite follow. Could you post the relevant code?

Well i don't have the code, but let me clarify, "tag" is a hyperlink/db_query, so if i click on it, the page will reload with URLs which are in my database table that are associated with "tag", so <a href="SELECT URL from table where tags="tag">tag</a>, so im trying to say can you embed a mysql query into an anchor tag, if that helps clarify anything

Member Avatar for diafol

You really don't want to do this. JUst place an id into the url querystring and use that to get your data. Anyway, how come you don't have the code? It's yours, right?

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