Hi all.

I'm trying to add a slight delay to this page's drop-down menu. Though I assume that entails a call to setTimeout() somehow, I've tried all I can think of (which isn't much...) and am clueless. Thank you for any tips!

<script type="text/javascript">
 var timeout    = 200;
var closetimer = 0;
var ddmenuitem = 0;

function jsddm_open()
{  jsddm_canceltimer();
   ddmenuitem = $(this).find('ul').css('visibility', 'visible');}
function jsddm_close()
{  if(ddmenuitem) ddmenuitem.css('visibility', 'hidden');}

function jsddm_timer()
{  closetimer = window.setTimeout(jsddm_close, timeout);}

function jsddm_canceltimer()
{  if(closetimer)
   {  window.clearTimeout(closetimer);
      closetimer = null;}}

{  $('#jsddm > li').bind('mouseover', jsddm_open)
   $('#jsddm > li').bind('mouseout',  jsddm_timer)});

document.onclick = jsddm_close;

I think it's working.

To find out, try a longer timeout. At 200 milliseconds it will be barely noticable.


I think it's working.

To find out, try a longer timeout. At 200 milliseconds it will be barely noticable.


Hi Airshow--That line controls how long the dropdown remains visible after mouseout. What I'm wondering is if there might be a way to delay its appearance in the first place--folks are complaining that the dropdowns get in the way when they move the mouse up just a bit too high.


I'll see what I can do when I get a moment. Time is at a premium over the next few days with Christmas and everthing.



Following a similar patterns to open and close, you get something like this (untested):

    var openTimeout = 200;
    var closeTimeout = 400;//edit as required
    var closetimer = null;//by initialising to null, clearTimeout(closetimer) can be called without error before the timer has been set with setTimer(...).
    var opentimer = null;//as for closeTimer
    var ddmenuitem = null;

    var jsddm_open = function()
        ddmenuitem = $(this).find('ul').css('visibility', 'visible');
    var vjsddm_open_timer = function()
    	opentimer = setTimeout(jsddm_open, openTimeout);

    var jsddm_close = function()
        if(ddmenuitem) ddmenuitem.css('visibility', 'hidden');

    var jsddm_close_timer = function()
        closetimer = setTimeout(jsddm_close, closeTimeout);

    $('#jsddm > li').bind('mouseover', jsddm_open_timer);
    $('#jsddm > li').bind('mouseout',  jsddm_close_timer);
    document.onclick = jsddm_close;

All vars and functions are established inside $(document).ready(...) to avoid globals, and some of the code is simplified.

jsddm_canceltimer was only called once and simplified to one line (now absorbed in jsddm_open), so it disappeared.


Thank you Airshow -- I will fuss with this over the holiday and let you know of any progress (the new script fails to open the dropdowns at all, but I think i'm seeing the direction you point me toward). Enjoy the holiday--

Hello -- I am going to try something interesting I just stumbled across: a plugin called hoverIntent that seems to have been built with precisely this situation in mind. I'll let you know what happens--

Mmmm, "hoverIntent" ... sounds like a yogic camping experience. I would wait 'till the weather gets a bit wearmer.


Ha! Unfortunate name aside, happily it turns out to be just what the doctor ordered, this hoverIntent.

It's not a simple delay, but something more sophisticated: it gauges mouse deceleration, so that if my cursor happens to brush up against/across the menu it does not drop down--not unless I linger there momentarily.

The sensitivity can be adjusted, too. Some have commented that it can make a menu seem "sluggish," but I don't see that...in testing our users said they were annoyed when the menu responded too readily.

Sounds like a good solution. I have bookmarked hoverIntent.

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